Granted, following up on the seminal strategy game of the early 2000s is no easy task, and so it's understandable that Rome II does not totally succeed in accomplishing such a lofty goal. Since launch it has struggled to forge its own path and find a way out of the shadow of its critically acclaimed namesake. Age of Bronze v1.5 Age of Bronze Full Version This is Age of Bronze v1.5 mod for Total War: Rome II, latest release before campaign work. Total War: Rome II Factions Units Auxiliary Corps Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II: MODs Radious Total War Mod Divide et Impera Total War: Rome II: ICONs BullGod's Unit Icons Normal's Rome IIUnits Icons.In this campaign I will lead Rome across the known world, conquering all who stand in my way! For a full list of changes. This is gameplay of Rome 2 Total War using the Radious Total War Mod.To Kaisa and Wolfman for Promo video made by Kaisa and Wolfman. Big thanks to The Radious Total War Modding Team To CA for the game Rome II Total War, to Valve for the Steam Workshop, and to the community for its help in our efforts to make this mod a reality.Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms and others. A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly.