Press on “Recording list.” Choose the voice memo you just recorded and listen to make sure it came out OK. When you are done, press the red “stop” square. Now hold the phone to your ear (not if front of your mouth) like a normal phone call and speak your message.Ħ. Also be sure you have enough remaining time to finish your message.ĥ. Make sure you see levels on the input meter. Be sure that you are set on the best quality MP3 preset. Some examples include "Audio Recorder" from Sony or "Voice Recorder" from Green Apple Studio.Ģ. Grab your phone and find (or download) a simple voice recorder app. Please email us the file at To Record A Voice Memo From An Android Phoneġ. Next, options should appear for sending the file. Press on the voice memo you just recorded and listen to make sure it came out OK.Ĩ. Now you should see your memo in the list of recordings on the screen. Change the file name to Modern Love Your Name.ħ. Tap the file name and it will give you the option to rename it. The file will automatically be added to your list of recordings. When you are finished, press the red “Stop” square. If you are willing, please include your first and last name and your location on the recording.ĥ. Now hold the phone to your ear (not in front of your mouth) like a normal phone call and speak your message. Make sure you see sound waves when you start speaking.Ĥ. Grab your phone and find the voice memos app. How To Record A Voice Memo From An iPhoneġ. If you can record in a non-echoey room (think low ceilings and carpet), that's even better. First, try to find the quietest space available for recording. So here are instructions for how you can record yourself on your smartphone, and then email us the recording afterward.īefore you start, a couple pro tips.

We're hoping to get a high-quality recording of your voice without making you leave the house! Fortunately, your smartphone has a high quality microphone.