How to rotate pictures in windows photo viewer
How to rotate pictures in windows photo viewer

how to rotate pictures in windows photo viewer

Here you need to open your picture and change its view.

how to rotate pictures in windows photo viewer how to rotate pictures in windows photo viewer

So if you want to change the view clockwise or anticlockwise of your picture then you need a separate photo editor, like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. This is because this software is a mere viewer of your picture and not editor. It seems that the change you made had no effect on it. Again when you open the same picture using the same windows photo viewer, you see that the photo looks again tilted, just the way it did before. But what happens in reality is that you rotate the picture the first time. Now you believe that this picture will remain same when you view it next time. What I mean here is that when you open a picture using the windows photo viewer and say that your photo is tilted, you click on either of the two options rotate clockwise(Ctrl key and K together) or rotate counterclockwise(Ctrl Key and L together). I think you can rotate your picture in windows photo viewer but what your problem is, you cannot keep it rotated for a permanent purpose. I think I need to re frame your question.

How to rotate pictures in windows photo viewer